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Portulaca oleracea L. is a wild edible plant with high potential for exploitation in commercial cropping systems due to its nutritional value and great adaptability to abiotic stress conditions. The present study aimed to investigate the response of purslane plants grown under drought stress conditions (100%, 80%, and 60% of field capacity (FC)) and the …


In the current study, the effects of drought stress on the growth and phytochemical profile of Scolymus hispanicus L. (a.k.a. golden thistle) were evaluated. Plants were treated with three irrigation regimes, e.g., plants that received only rainwater (Control; C), deficit irrigation (I1; 50% of fieldcapacity (FC)), and full irrigation (I2; 100% of FC). The fresh …


Soil microbial communities have an important role in plant establishment and health. Particularly, the role of the soil microbiome in agriculture is of current interest. The study of microbial communities associated with purslane could open questions about the rational exploitation of the microbiota for sustainable agricultural purposes. In this study, the composition of the fungal …


Soil fertility is a major determinant of plant-microbial interactions,thus, directly and indirectly affecting crop productivity and ecosystem functions. In this study, we analysed for the first time the effects of fertilizer addition on the cropping of purslane (Portulaca oleracea) with particular attention to the taxonomic and functional characteristics of their associated soil microbiota. We tested …

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