– Newsletters

VALorization of Mediterranean small-scale FARMs by cropping wild UnExploited species

Dear readers, we are sharing with you our 3rd newsletter.
In October 2021, we submitted the first annual report of the project to PRIMA. In February 2022, Valuefarm reached its mid-term which is a pivotal milestone for the project progress. 2nd Annual Report of Project Progress (September 2021-August 2022) and 4th semestrial internal progress report …

VALorization of Mediterranean small-scale FARMs by cropping wild UnExploited species

Dear readers, we are sharing with you our 2nd newsletter.
In October, 2021 we submitted the first annual report of the project to PRIMA. In February 2022, Valuefarm reached its mid-term which is a pivotal milestone for the project progress. We submitted the mid-term report and we are expecting the mid-term review meeting with PRIMA …